An attractive new parklet (a wooden seating area with plants) has been installed on Knowle High Street for the community to enjoy this summer and beyond. Installed outside Theo Georgio and Palmers, it’s a beautiful space for residents, shoppers and visitors to relax, sit down and catch up with friends maybe with a coffee in hand.
The parklet concept was delivered by Visit Knowle who were awarded £17,000 by Solihull Council from the Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Fund in 2021. Chris Gregory, Visit Knowle Director and lead on the parklet project said “We want Knowle be a place our residents are proud of, and an attractive place where visitors can pause and relax. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank several volunteers who helped us plan and deliver the project including Mike Lally from Cadence Projects and Gary Harper from Harper Architects. We’d also like to thank EH Smith Builders Merchants and Mercia Estates for their generous contributions to the project. Mark from EH Smith Builders Merchants said, “We’re always looking for ways to support our community and we were pleased to help Visit Knowle with the supply of topsoil for a parklet that will be enjoyed by many”.
Councillor Leader of the Council and Lead Member for the Economy said “We know how much parklets are enjoyed in other locations in Solihull, so we’re really pleased to see people already enjoying the attractive parklet in Knowle. You may also have noticed the planting containers have also been returned to Knowle complete with summer bedding after renovation work by Solihull Council”.
Visit Knowle works to support Knowle be a vibrant, attractive place to live and work, focusing on projects that support the village centre. To find out how you can get involved, visit Join Today – Visit Knowle.