Sponsorship Opportunites
Visit Knowle strive to boost visitor footfall, increase spend within our local businesses and work to make Knowle a more attractive place to be.
Visit Knowle is a membership organisation, with over 70 businesses supporting us as paid members. Whilst most of our work is delivered by volunteers, we also secure funds, which include sponsorship and funding from local stakeholders to deliver projects. Projects include a programme of events, improvements to our street scene, business support initiatives and marketing.
In the last twelve months, we have built strong marketing campaigns with good engagement with the local community. We have generated over 6,000 visits to our website, and have circa 7,000 followers across our social media channels, reaching several thousand more through our posts.
Looking forward, we have a number of sponsorship opportunities that you could get involved with.
Visit Knowle members who chose to sponsor an event attract a discounted rate equivalent to the value of annual membership. For non-members who offer £500 or more sponsorship, complementary Visit Knowle membership for one year is available.
Where we can, we aim to match your sponsorship opportunities with what you are looking to achieve. If you would like to discuss any of the future sponsorship opportunities listed below, or if you'd like to discuss a tailored package, then please do get in touch.
Knowle Fundraising Ball
Our fundraising ball will raise funds for a range of Visit Knowle activities that support the economic prosperity and vibrancy in the village.
Headline sponsor: £1000
Entertainment sponsor: £500
Welcome drinks: £250
Raffle Prizes: Various
- Headline sponsor gets your company name included in social media content and printed artwork
- Headline sponsor receives two free tickets to the event
- Entertainment sponsors get your company name included in social media content and printed artwork
- Listing in "our supporters" page with your company name, logo, short company bio and link to your website
Coronation Celebration
Knowle's Jubilee celebration was a great success last year, and we'd like to host a summer celebration in 2023. This is the largest event that Visit Knowle is involved in, and we can only do it with the support of other community groups in organising the event, and with the support of sponsors funding the event. Additional sponsorship opportunities may be possible in addition to:
Headline Sponsor: £2,500
Stage Sponsor: £1000
Marshalls Sponsor: £1,000
Print Sponsor: £750
Community Hub: £500
- Headline sponsors get your company name included in social media content and printed artwork
- Headline sponsor has free stall presence in the community area
- Sponsors of elements of the day get their name included in relevant social media posts and secondary space on printed artwork
- Sponsors of marshalls would have their logo on hi-viz tabards along with the logo on organisations supplying volunteers
- Social media post thanking you for your support
- Listing in "our supporters" page with your company name, logo, short company bio and link to your website
Supporters of Planters
£150 per container
The plants in our parklet require maintenance and replacement from time to time. Businesses can support planting in Knowle by contributing to the costs of upkeep.
Each single unit can be sponsored for one year. There are a total of 7 opportunities.
- A plaque with your logo and company name in the bedding
- Social media post thanking you for your support
- Listing in "our supporters" page with your company name, logo, short company bio and link to your website
If you wish, your team can also take the opportunity to maintain the bedding area by weeding and tidying your container.
Networking Event
Visit Knowle host bi-monthly networking sessions which are free to members. Non members can attend for a small charge. There is an opportunity to sponsor welcome drinks at networking events.
Display of your marketing material next to Visit Knowle's welcome sign
- Mention in social media posts advertisinf the event
- Note of thanks at the networking event
- Listing in "our supporters" page with your company name, logo, short company bio and link to your website
£50 per issue
Visit Knowle regularly emails members with updates and sends quarterly newsletters to Knowle businesses on our mailing list. You can advertise at the bottom of the newsletter with copy, and image and link to your website.
- Emails to members reach over 70 local businesses
- Emails to local businesses reach over 100 businesses
- Short editotial copy, image and link to your website
- Listing in "our supporters" page with your company name, logo, short company bio and link to your website
Heritage Trails
Sponsor heritage trail walks in Knowle, or the Visit Knowle welcome stand at heritage events in the village.
- Credit of sponsorship in social media posts
- Listing in "our supporters" page with your company name, logo, short company bio and link to your website
Street Entertainers
£500 per act
Businesses can sponsor street entertainment in Knowle at key trading periods.
Each unique act can be sponsored, with the opportunity to select an act from a shortlist, subject to availability
- Your company name to be included in social media content pre and post event
- Listing in "our supporters" page with your company name, logo, short company bio and link to your website
- Opportunity for team photo with the sponsored act