Wellbeing At Knowle Parish Church

Guest Blog by Catherine Robinson, Knowle Parish Church

There’s lots going on at Knowle Parish Church to support our wellbeing. 

Renew Cafe

On Wednesday afternoons from 2-4pm we host our Renew Cafe in the Guild House. This is a space where we take time out to look after our wellbeing. There are refreshments provided and friendly faces to greet you in a calm space. Some people like to bring a hobby such as knitting, others might join someone in a board game, you can chat if you feel like it or simply take some quiet time. 

Make at KPC

On the first Wednesday of the month at 7.45pm we run an adults evening crafting club called Make@KPC. Whether you’re a complete beginner or an expert crafter, you’re welcome. You can work on your own project or use our resources. Refreshments are served but you do need to book on ahead of the evening to ensure enough craft supplies are available.

Friendship Club

Thursday is our Friendship Club day, taking place in St John’s Hall. Some weeks are coffee mornings, and others are lunches. As the name suggests we’re there for friendship, a listening ear and good company.

Please contact office@kpc.org.uk or call 01564 779123 Monday-Friday mornings for details.  (The craft club and Friendship Club lunches need to be booked. ) For information about lots more activities at Knowle Parish Church see kpc.org.uk

Looking through a curtain of pink Spring blossom, Knowle Parish Church can be seen in the background.