What is Peri-Menopausal Hair Loss & Why Does It Happen

Guest Blog by Francesco Hair Salon

Are You Finding Your Ponytail is Looking a Bit Thinner?

If you’re approaching menopause, you might be experiencing peri-menopausal hair loss. It’s a common concern amongst women, but understanding why it’s happening and what you can do about it can make a big difference. At Francesco Hair Salons, we pride ourselves on being hair and scalp health experts, and armed with this knowledge we want to delve into the reasons behind this issue and explore some effective treatments.

Why is My Hair Falling Out?

Hair loss in women, especially during the peri-menopausal stage, can be alarming. But why does it happen? The primary culprit is hormonal changes. As you approach the menopause, your body undergoes significant shifts in hormone levels, particularly a decrease in oestrogen and progesterone. These hormones are crucial for hair growth and health. When their levels drop, hair growth slows down, and therefore hair becomes thinner.

Additionally, an increase in androgens (male hormones) can shrink hair follicles, leading to hair loss. This hormonal imbalance is the main reason for hair thinning during perimenopause.

Hair Loss Reasons: More Than Just Hormones

While hormonal changes are the primary reason, other factors can contribute to hair loss during peri-menopause:

• Stress – The peri-menopausal phase often coincides with other life changes that can increase stress, which in turn can exacerbate hair loss.

• Nutritional Deficiencies – Changes in diet or appetite can lead to deficiencies in essential nutrients like iron, vitamin D, and biotin, which are vital for healthy hair.

• Medical Conditions – Thyroid issues, autoimmune diseases, and other health problems can also contribute to hair loss.

• Medications – Certain medications taken during peri-menopause can have side effects that include hair thinning.

Hair Loss Treatment: What Can You Do?

• Consult a Professional – Visiting a trichologist can provide a clear diagnosis and a personalised treatment plan if your hair loss is proven to be health related.

• Hair Care Products – Using shampoos and conditioners designed to strengthen and nourish thinning hair can help. Francesco Hair Salons offer FREE comprehensive consultations and can provide prescriptive treatments in our salons tailored to this, as well as stocking Nioxin Pro Clinical.

• Scalp Treatments – Treatments like scalp massages and serums can improve blood circulation to the scalp, promoting hair growth. We have over 100,000 hair follicles on our scalps – that’s a lot of hair growth potential. 

• Healthy Diet – Ensuring you maintain a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals supports overall hair health.

• Stress Management – Techniques such as yoga, meditation, and regular exercise can help manage stress levels.

You’re not alone!

Globally, it’s estimated that 56 million people have symptoms of hair loss…

How to Stop Hair Loss: Services at Francesco Hair Salon

At Francesco Hair Salon, we understand how distressing hair loss can be. That’s why we offer specialised services tailored to address and treat peri-menopausal hair loss.

• Consultation Services – Our professional team are here to support you with a discrete and complimentary hair and scalp assessment to create a tailor-made salon and home prescriptive treatment plan that’s right for you.

• Nourishing Treatments – We offer a range of treatments that help to nourish the scalp and strengthen hair follicles, such as deep conditioning scalp treatments and massages.

• Advanced Hair Care Products – We carry products specifically designed to combat hair loss, from shampoos and conditioners to serums and supplements, including Nioxin Pro Clinical.

Maintain Healthy & Beautiful Hair

At Francesco Hair Salon, we are committed to helping you maintain healthy, beautiful hair through every stage of life. If you’re struggling with peri-menopausal hair loss, don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our salons. Book a consultation and explore our range of hair care services designed to combat hair loss and restore your confidence.

Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. Globally, it’s estimated that 56 million people have symptoms of hair loss. With the right care and treatment, you can manage peri-menopausal hair loss and continue to enjoy luscious, healthy hair!

A drawing of a woman with shoulder length hair of different colours looking to the right.